When I met Giancarlo Gonzales, founder of Tara Let's Go Asia, a travel startup that aims to help working professionals in both the Philippines and in other regions of Southeast Asia to include travelling as part of career, personal growth, and family development, I said to him straight in the eyes "Your idea is [ridiculously] impossible." He answered back "There is always a way for someone who finds it." It is true really. When I started travelling locally last year with only 15 vacation leaves I could not believe I have been to Ilocos twice, Iloilo, Bacolod, Guimaras, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro and went home for 32 hours in Bicol! I just came from a solo backpack trip from El Nido and Puerto Princesa Palawan for five nights and five days. Now my friends are telling me "Rona, are you not afraid you traveled alone? Did it cost you so much? " All I can reply back to them is "Gosh I have the best beach moments in my life there!" It is true indeed that unfortunately, not many in the Philippines have the opportunity to travel because they are always held back by two common factors - MONEY and TIME. If I may add, it is FEAR that stops us from trying something we haven't done.
But heck, we only have ONE and SHORT freakin life so why not make the most out of it???