It seems that it is just like yesterday that the iBlog8 happened and now the iBlog9 is coming in a few weeks. Blogging gave me so many opportunities (meeting incredible people and non-stop learning) that it literally changed my world. Being able to create a blog-based business is the most important thing I am very thankful for because it paved the way for me to have extra income. Starting a blog overnight or after a length of time is not a guarantee that a monetization surely happens next instead it is a rigorous dedication of time and immeasurable patience. I cannot count how many blog-related events I joined for me to learn everything from getting to know who are the influencers related to my interest I have to follow, meetups I look forward to attend, fellow bloggers and blogs I have to keep checking for inspiration etc. This is one of the events I super recommend to any bloggers either starting or already established because this event alone can give you a thousand more reasons to keep blogging.
iBlog9 is a 2-day free event from May 31st to June 1st, 2013. The first day is for bloggers, marketers, businesses and entrepreneurs wanting to understand how to tap blogs as a medium to promote their products, services and to generate income. It will also tackle advance topics on taking blogs to the next level. The second day is meant to everyone interested about blogging. For more information please click here.
When: May 31 - June 1, 2013
Please check the schedule (taken from iBlog.ph )
Day 1 AGENDA (May 31)
9:00 to 9:20 Flag ceremony, prayer, participant intro (limited)
9:20 – 9:40 Understanding the Blogger Psyche
(Jonel Uy, BloggerCircles.com)
9:50 to 10:10 Blogging as an effective Content Marketing Tool for Businesses
(Ben Francia, http://www.benfrancia.com)
10:20 to 10:35 break
10:35 – 10:55 Empowerment in Digital Marketing
(Grace Bondad Nicolas, www.empoweredgrace.blogspot.com)
11:05 – 11:25 Working with brands either for your business or advocacy, and even both
(Jeoffrey Solas, www.liberatingjepoy.com)
11:35 to 11:55 Sponsor Talk: Sun iMessenger: blog marketing case study
(Louie Oviedo, President & CEO of Greetings Unlimited Inc.)
12:05 to 1:05 Lunch break
1:05 – 1:25 How to Get the Influencers Write About Your Startup
(Jonha Revesencio, http://ijustdid.org)
1:35 – 1:55 Bloggers and political organizations – the road to 2016
(Mark Pere Madrona, rightonthemark.wordpress.com)
2:05 – 2:25 Fighting corruption online and offline
(Angel Bombarda, www.bantay.ph)
2:35 to 2:55 Income & Opportunities through Blogging
(Khoa Bui, www.secretsentrepreneur.com)
3:05 to 3:20 BREAK
3:20 to 3:40 Bloggers as Digital Influencers
(Janette Toral, DigitalFilipino.com)
4:00 sponsor raffle, shirts raffle, and group photo
DAY 2 AGENDA (June 1)
9:00 to 9:20 Flag ceremony, prayer, participant intro (limited)
9:20 to 9:40 Blogging and Social Thought Leadership
(Jason Cruz, http://jsncruz.com/)
9:50 to 10:10 Why do we blog?
(Wendell Glenn Cagape, www.journeysandtravels.com)
10:20 to 10:35 break
10:35 to 10:55 The Art of Interviewing & Quoting
(Arvin Ello, http://www.vintersections.com)
11:05 to 11:25 Blogging and Social Media Goodness
(Carlo Angelo Gonzales, http://carloangelogonzales.com)
11:35 to 11:55 Sponsor Talk
12:05 to 1:05 Lunch
1:05 to 1:25 Building your Identity as a Video Blogger
(Randolph Novino, http://pinoyscreencast.net)
1:35 to 1:55 The Rise of the Mommy bloggers in the Philippines
(Rhodora Espiritu-Valdez, http://deliberatelymom.blogspot.com/)
2:05 to 2:25 Avoiding Information Redundancy
(Jay Agonoy, http://deremoe.com)
2:35 to 2:55 Working as a homebased blogger
(Christian Melanie Lee, www.eccentricyethappy.info)
3:05 to 3:20 Break
3:20 to 3:40 Q &A Legal Issues in Blogging
(Atty. JJ Disini, Disini.ph)
4:00 to 4:20 The Future of Blogging: Greater or Less Influence?
(Manuel L. Quezon III, http://quezon.ph)
4:30 sponsor raffle, shirts raffle, and group photo
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