To shorten the agony of waiting, I finally left my job last Aug. 29th instead of my plan on Sept. 15th. I still have 7 vacation leaves remaining so I used it as terminal leave therefore I am paid for the next 7 working days. Even my supervisor was shocked when I told him I will have an immediate resignation that day. He asked me why, I said "Because my mind and heart are not here anymore". And even if I am paid double to stay, I will still go. I am very touched to a lot of my former coworkers whom I was able to say goodbye and that I felt they are sad that I am leaving. But me deep inside, I feel an unfathomable joy like a prisoner who is finally free! As I go on I would like to clarify that my rumblings here are all about the routines of my life and not necessarily the company I worked with. I was complaining about the nature of the work not directly the office I was part of. I mean I have grievances as an employee but I am rather talking as someone who wants to start over.
Saturday, August 31, 2013