2 WFH Sisters and 1 Dog Sharing Our Travels in Bicol and Manila

There’s No Turning Back This Time

A series of unfortunate events happened recently that tested my limits. Because of typhoon Maring, my tours were cancelled and that mean loss sales.  While a lot complained of destroyed properties and some their lives, mine was a big chunk of deals. As a bootstrapping entrepreneur who runs this business alone, I keep the cash flowing to and fro through payment from my clients and partners. Trust me this setup is really tough! And after trying desperately if I can serve two masters at the same time, I finally gave up! My 8 year old night shift job has suffered so much.  For the past months my productivity performance has diminished to the point that in our team rankings I am at many instances at the bottom. But I have no regrets at all. I know that deep inside I worked hard just that there will always be a turning point when you need to decide which one you have to keep and which one you have to let go. 

At the end of the line I am not a loser because I have finally found something new that brings me happiness just by doing it not just the money I get out of it. Actually I am paid pretty well in my current job but I reached the end that I am not challenged anymore.  After joining events about entrepreneurship and thoughts about location – independent lifestyle I am now totally brainwashed about it for good. After meeting a lot of bloggers, travelers and inspiring people at countless occasions, I have become the person that I want to be from every bit of  of them.

Stressed out vs Burnt out 
I had a one-on-one talk with my immediate supervisor about leaving my job.  I shed some tears though I am fighting not to even drop one. Heck I am just a cry baby!

 I said “ When your stressed out after taking a 2 day off or a five day vacation leave, you return to work full charged. But me after taking all these plus a weekly whole body massage, I still go back to my station like I have worked the entire week nonstop! I have to be true to myself so I will submit my resignation letter anytime this September because I am either moving to another country or go full-time for my growing business.” 

He said “Well if you are not happy anymore here no one can stop you from leaving. I understand and I completely support you of whatever plans you have in the future. Life is all about risks but if you ask me I would rather see myself fail in an instance rather than I have not tried at all! So just let me know when you are ready, I wish you all the best.”

Medical exam schedule adjusted
The supposed Aug 27th medical exam at St Lukes was adjusted to first week of September because the doctor assigned has extended her stay abroad so I am most likely to fly in October. Still I cannot really feel at ease as everything in my life is floating right now, I wanna know the soonest where I deserve to be next so I can move forward the soonest.

On the positive side

I am glad that I have officially started organizing tours to Iloilo, Bacolod and Guimaras Island.  My partner there who is based in Bacolod is very professional and very prompt to reply to my emails. She is therefore someone I am looking forward to do more business with. I have not even met her in person but we are friends on Facebook though. 

I did gave her quite a number of clients so she is giving me a FREE TOUR at Iloilo and Guimaras Island including accommodation, meals and tour next one month. I have been there too but I am not sure if I will take it because I am resigning so I prefer to spend time at my hometown more. 

I have also sent a cousin and 3 of her friends to Puerto Princesa Palawan tour. They loved it!

My astrology forecast for October by Joseph Polansky

For a Pisces

Your 9th house becomes powerful on the 23rd. Thus foreign lands call to you. There are happy travel and educational opportunities and religious and philosophical breakthroughs for those who want them.

I am like Alicia Silverstone in the movie “Clueless”, there is no assurance where I am going now. But I can’t wait to start all over again to work to  a new place surrounded by new faces.

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