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SafetyWing Nomad Insurance 2.0 reimburses claims as early as 48 hours

safetywing travel medical insurance review

Eight years ago, I had to choose between seeing a loved one for the last time or join a once-in-a-lifetime all-expense-paid trip to Indonesia.  I vividly remember it was early morning. My mobile phone rang. It was one of the saddest messages I have ever received in my life. My grandma died. I have two options:  take a 13-hour bus ride to my hometown or wait in two days because my flight was already booked for 15 days together with content creators of Southeast Asia organized by the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia.

I closed my eyes and prayed as if I am talking to my grandma telling her how much I love her and told her I will take this trip instead. I am sure that if she is still alive, she is definitely going to be happy  for me to take part of this trip. 

On the day of my flight while in the airport here in Manila, my left middle finger starts getting itchy right below my nail. It is not painful but every few hours, I have to scratch it gently because it is getting itchy. Second day came, my finger looks normal though I still constantly scratch it to relieve itchiness. 

Until sixth day came, I woke up seeing a small pus in the itchy spot and the skin surrounding it has turned red!  Seventh day, the pus gets bigger. Eight day, the pus got so big  that it occupied the "head" of my finger. It hurts when I touch it that I agreed to be brought to the ER in a hospital. Good thing, this media trip also includes travel medical insurance that took care of the hospital cost. 


Fast forward to now, if you are to ask me what is the most practical travel medical insurance I definitely recommend, it is SafetyWing's Nomad Insurance 2.0. In a nutshell, this is the insurance for people travelling who need essential medical coverage for accidents, illnesses, loss gadgets, unforseen circumstances outlined in their policy outside their home country.  

SafetyWing's Nomad 2.0 is a digital nomad insurance because it is specificaly designed for digital nomads, remote workers, expats and freelancers like me who works full-time online for 7 years now.

Video simulation of SafetyWing's latest claiming process. Don't mind the blurry snapshot.
 Click Play and it will show the video clearly.

How efficient is SafetyWing's
2.0 claims process?

Claiming process time is now 84% less 

Don't get me wrong - sure there are many travel medical insurances out there who are as good as this one from SafetyWings. However, it is the claiming process' turnaround time that is always the dealbreaker. SafetyWings' travel medical insurance as admitted personally by its co-founder and CEO, Sondre that it used to be long and tedious. Because they were outsourcing the task specifically for processing claims. This is not the case anymore. Now that SafetyWings have its own carrier license, this allows them to have direct control of the step-by-step processes for their claims. In fact, its claims process is now 84% more efficient. This is huge in terms of saving time! 

Claims can be completed for as quick as 1 minute   

Nomad Insurance 2.0 is literally one simple form only asking you the most relevant and direct to the point questions. That is it. As long as you can understand basic English and you have all the needed documents to upload, I don't see any other reason why it would take your time longer than 5 minutes unless your Internet connection needs is down. 

Reimbursement is sent as early as 48 hours 

Yes, you read it right. Just make sure that the answers you typed are correct specially the receipt you uploaded do not have any concerns, you'll be refunded in two days time. More often than not, the cause of delay are incorrect information supplied. If you don't want this to happen,  make sure you followed all the instructions properly. For claims that need further checking due to some circumstances that is beyond what SafetyWing's can, it may take up to 10 days. 

What to know more about 
Nomad Insurance 2.0? 

Age eligibility 

From 10 years old to 69 years old only. SafetyWing's policy holders can include up to two kids of their own for free who are under 10 years old. 


Adventure Sports 
This includes kite-surfing, parachuting, paragliding, skydiving, scuba diving and more. 
US Coverage 
This is for non-US residents traveling to US and US territories. 
Electronics Theft 
For stolen laptops, tablets and cameras. Make sure you have your proof of ownership. 

 Click HERE to read the coverage in full details.


(maximum limit is $250, 000 unless otherwise stated) 

Visits to a doctor or hospital for medical treatment, ambulance for hospitalization, diagnostics like MRI’s, extended care after discharge, prescriptions, emergency dental (up to $1, 000) 
Evacuation to a better equipped hospital when you need it for $100, 000 lifetime maximum Lost checked luggage that is $500 per item and $3, 000 maximum per policy 
Injuries from leisure sports & activities such as boxing, paragliding etc. 
Flights home if something bad happens such as a death in the family  up to $5, 000 maximum limit 
Meals & accommodations if you have a travel delay over 12 hours that is $100 per day for 2 days 
Continued coverage for visits back home 30 days (15 for US residents) for every 90 days of travel abroad 
Transporting dead body home for $20, 000 or a local burial for $10, 000 

Click HERE to read the coverage in full details.

No minimum spend for claims and it's zero deductible

SafetyWing is very transparent and no hidden fees whatsoever. As long as your claim is valid from the policy, you don't have to spend any minimum amount or be deducted with any amount too. You get your refund 100% for sure.

Yes, you are reading this correct. SafetyWing's Nomad insurance 2.0 is pet-friendly! It's policy under Pet Return, states if you are traveling alone with a pet but end up in a hospital, a one way ticket for your pet to your home country is covered to get your pet home with maximum value  of $1,000.

This is not applicable to trips of policy holder in his or her home country 
Any treatment that is not medically necessary
Pre-existing illness or injury unless there's an emergency need for treatment
Routine medical exam or annual physical check ups
Claims made more than 60 days after the end date of your active insurance period

Click HERE to read the list of exclusions in full details.



Click HERE to get your travel medical insurance NOW

SafetyWing's Nomad Insurance 2.0 can be availed before or while you are travelling already.  You can also pause or stop it anytime. The best part is even if your ticket is just one way, you are still eligible to purchase SafetyWing travel medical insurance. There's 24/7 customer support you can talk to if you got questions and get responses within a minute! This flexible travel insurance doesn't need to be pre-approved. It only takes five minutes to purchase and costs only few dollars a day.

Most of all, I am personally giving this travel medical insurance of  SafetyWing an extra million points for keeping traveling pet-lovers in mind while designing this innovative idea. The market for people who are bringing their pets in travels are increasing day by day. For SafetyWing to be able to see this coming ahead, is really appreciated because it helps to pave the way for a more convenient way of traveling with pets in the near future. We all know how it is literally headache to travel with pets nowadays. 

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