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Get to know Communitails' Therapy Dog Rusty in Manila

therapy dogs in manila

Did you know that Manila has therapy dogs?  I learned of Rusty, a 4-year old Golden Retriever yesterday at a talk demonstrating free animal-assisted therapy by Communitails. This group's mission is to improve one's mental health with the help of dogs for now. I have no idea how dogs can improve my mood until Ollie, my 5-year old shih tzu came to my life. I can tell from my own experience the joy and love I feel with my dog's presence that is why I got curious to know more about dogs and its therapeutic in value. 

Therapy dogs play a crucial role in promoting emotional well-being and mental health. Their calming presence can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression. Unlike traditional therapy methods, the interaction with therapy dogs offers a unique, non-judgmental companionship that helps individuals feel more at ease. In busy urban environments like Manila, where stress levels can be high, therapy dogs provide a much-needed sense of comfort and connection, making them invaluable to both individuals and communities seeking relief from the pressures of daily life.

See below what I learned about how to become a therapy dog in Manila

What Makes a Dog a Therapy Dog? Do They Have Special Powers or Skills? 

Based on my observation of Rusty, the answer is NO. He is just like any other dog. However, he is exceptionally calm, well-behaved, and unfazed by the large crowd surrounding him. He doesn't move around restlessly and rarely barks. Wherever his owner is, that's where you'll find him. 

What Do Therapy Dogs Do?  

At Communitails, therapy dogs are part of theHuman-Animal Team with the owner known as handler. This handler is the one introducing his or her pet to participants, allowing them to play with the dog. She demonstrates how her dog can perform small tricks and explains what to do and not to do with her pet. The dog's silly, cute, and funny reactions often bring smiles and laughter, helping people momentarily forget their worries. 

How Was My Personal Experience with Rusty the Therapy Dog? 

The session was brief, only about 5 minutes, but all I can remember is the warmth of Rusty's fluffy fur and his very gentle and mindful presence. It was such a positive experience that I left with a smile, feeling genuinely happy. It reminded me of the trending content on TikTok where people share their joy of interacting with animals. It was a moment of pure joy! 

Is There a Specific Breed or Size Required to Be a Therapy Animal?    

NONE. Even an Aspin (a native Filipino dog) can qualify as long as TEMPERAMENT is the number one guideline. In short, the dog must be well-behaved. Other animals can also be therapy animals as long as their owners can control them. 

Can Any Dog Lover and Their Dog Join as a Therapy Handler + Dog Team? 

Pets and their owners undergo screening, tests, and training before being certified as a Human-Animal team, ready to bring joy to others. If you and your pet are interested, just reach out to Communitails. 

What are the requirements for a handler and his/her dog to become therapy dog?

Handler (owner/furparent) should have lived with the (therapy) dog at least 6 months and at least 16 years of age. Therapy dog should be healthy, predictable, reliable (reliably gentle & obedient), controllable and must have lived with the handler for at least 6 months.

Is there a FEE to join your dog as therapy dog?

I have not verified this with Communitails yet so I do not know and I cannot find that information on its website so I checked PAWS. that has been running therapy dog programs since 2016 through Doctor Dog started by Animals Asia Foundation for 27 years now, there is NO fee to join the PAWS Dr. Dog Program. The assessment is also FREE of charge for the pet's temperament test , show proof that it is at least 2 years old and fully spayed/neutered. You may only be asked to shoulder the costs of transportation to attend Dr. Dog activities. The behavioral and temperament test is done in person by the shelter behaviorist/trainer.

For Communitails, I suggest sending them a message on their official Facebook fan page.

Are Pets Allowed at The Mind Museum?  

NO, except for Rusty, since he was part of the event. I left my dog Ollie at Dogs in the City, Forbestown, and paid Php 175 for 2-3 hours because he's a medium-sized dog. After that, we strolled around BGC. 

Is an Animal-assisted Therapy can Totally Rplace the Therapy Provided by Professional human therapists?

Communitails say no but it can totally help. 

Rusty is just one of the therapy dogs in Communitails. My visit was worth it, but I wish they were more responsive to comments and messages. I had to call The Mind Museum directly to confirm that walk-ins were allowed since this event was free. Unfortunately, my queries on their Facebook page and Communitails' page went unanswered. 

It was very fortunate that I posted this to several Facebook groups I trust in Manila that I received comments from Jennie Cerrada who is a certified handler with her therapy dogs under PAWS program. She has been diligent enough to share that any school or organization wishing for a Dr. Dog visit just needs to email PAWS to schedule a visit. Handlers with their therapy dogs provide their service FREE of charge. This is purely volunteer work - meaning you'll have to shoulder your own gas or fee to commute to the venue. Sometimes the company or organization sponsors meals, gas or transportation or parking but it's never guaranteeed. Any donation given will go to PAWS. I am not sure if works the same way with Communitails. Kindly ask them :)

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